Sunday, 18 November 2007

Are you lookin' at me?

This morning was spent photographing kangaroos for a web site I'm currently working on (yeah, it's a tough life, but someone's got to do it ;-). When the distinguished gentleman above (undoubtedly a regular visitor to this blog) was asked his opinion of the current state of Sydney Anglicanism, his feelings were clear.

Later on I met a simply charming lady, and while we didn't get around to discussing theology or politics, we did indulge in a spot of flirtatious ear-scratching which I'm worried BlackStar & Fiver will consider an act of heart-breaking infidelity.

Things didn't escalate as far as any snogging, but gee it's great for a fellow's ego to know someone as beautiful as her thinks he smells nice - although it might actually have just been my camera that she liked.

Still, I can dream. (sigh)


Wormwood's Doxy said...

What a beautiful lady! (Much more attractive than that shiver-inducing gentleman in the post below...)

How does one get the opportunity to scratch a kangaroo's ear?

Alcibiades said...

"How does one get the opportunity to scratch a kangaroo's ear?"

Come for a visit down here & we'll show you!

These roos live in a wild-life sanctuary, and are very tame - although I wasn't brave enough to push the relationship too closely with the fellow on top; his forearm muscles looked even more powerful in real life, and his claws probably don't suffer fools lightly.

Wormwood's Doxy said...

Be careful about issuing invitations, Alcibiades. I am Southern, and we tend to take people at their word when they do that... ;-)

Seriously, though---I very much hope to make it to Oz one of these days. And I would love to scratch a kangaroo's ear!

Alcibiades said...

You may be a Southerner Doxy, but on a global scale Oz is about 16hrs flying time south of where you are - you guys aren't the only Southerners who take biblical commands regarding hospitality seriously - that and we'll jump at any chance we get to have a party with friends...

Consider yourself invited!

Wormwood's Doxy said...

I'm going to Italy next summer, but Oz and Kiwi-land are on the agenda after that. I'll have to start saving my pennies....