Suddenly there was also a strange new sound - one not coming from the TV - and uncontrolled giggling. Racing to see what new mischief they were up to, I grabbed the camera on my way in ...

Mr. Not-yet-Two had sneaked into the kitchen and swiped a full pack of his favourite cheese crackers. Which his three-and-a-half year old ballet-obsessed big sister tipped onto the sofa in order to choreograph a crunchy little pas de deux of her own.
Pictured here is the prima ballerina attempting to leave the stage, probably with the intention of calling the dogs so as to (a) blame the whole thing on them and (b) encourage them to consume the evidence. Meanwhile her noble danseur and set builder is standing his ground, clutching to the one remaining (and thus in the complex economy of a toddler infinitely valuable) intact cracker (the small nibble he's made on the corner doesn't count), and is about to start accusing me (in a language known only to himself) of interrupting one of the truly great performances of modern interpretive dance.
And now you'll have to excuse me while I go and vacuum...
I love the it's-all-his-fault look on her face.
I'm sure you are doing the right thing. Vacuuming those two ankle biters up now will mean far less stress for you in the long term.
Do you just put them out with the normal rubbish or do they go for recycling?
they look precious! What a blessing.
I know that look, it's the "how could you possibly be angry when I am so absolutly cute, so I know you are not going to scold, are you?" look.
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