Monday 28 July 2008

Blogger is Casualty of World Youth Day

Ok, so after spending the day wandering around the WYD crowds with two small children, a large pram, and a camera I came home and made my first post of the day's findings. Then I cooked dinner, and Mrs. Caliban and I put the littlies to bed...

...shortly after which I began turning as blue as this WYD "installation", and imitating a stranded fish gasping for breath. Whereupon a panic visit to people who specialise in such things pronounced "asthma" as a result of this wretched @$#%&$#! ongoing flu.

Which leaves me in the present (sort of), having consumed more steroids than a Tour de France team, and thanking assorted pharmaceuticals companies with every breath.

It's funny, because aside from a period when I found myself devoid of marbles, I've always been a fairly healthy out-doors kind of person, so these last few weeks have been a bewildering experience. For me breathing has always been something taken for granted, but there’s nothing like a short spurt of oxygen deprivation to change one’s perspective ;-)

I’m also feeling very grateful for modern medicine (somehow I don’t think ancient therapies involving cobwebs and powdered bits of criminals would have worked nearly as well), and the Australian health insurance system, which isn’t perfect, but sure is a whole lot better than you-know-where. Just a tip for the coming election folks – vote as if your next breath might be your last.

And damn but it feels good to be getting back on top of things!


Robert said...

Glad to see you back blogging my friend!

susan s. said...

Wow, Flu related Asthma? They did chck you for pneumonia, right?

Brian R said...

Glad things are improving. I grew up an asthmatic so know the horrible feeling. Thank God I grew out of it as a teenager, unless I do something really silly like run for a bus uphill.

PseudoPiskie said...

Asthma is no fun and the anxiety caused by not being able to breathe only makes it worse. I can usually identify the cause and psych myself down until I can breathe again but I also must resort to medication especially if animals are involved. Hope yours is only flu related and will disappear in time.

Good to see you posting again.

Lapinbizarre said...

Was concerned that you had been out of action so long. Glad you're back and that things are improving.

June Butler said...

Oh, how frightening! I'm late with my visit, but thanks be to God that you're better.

I'm one of the lucky ones in the US. I have national health care. To be eligible, I had to get old.

Lindy said...

I haven't been around either but I am enjoying getting caught up with you. So sorry about the asthma. That must be scary. I am looking forward to being as old as Grandmère Mimi so I'll have minimal coverage too. You know, if we still have it by then.