Wednesday, 20 April 2011

... and so we are blessed.

After the longest of Mondays our little boy was born.

Against an incoming tide of complications, and the kind of mysterious blur which only medical emergencies invoke, we were on our way to the surgical theatres.

Then a haze: for my beloved one of determination; for me of fear and bewilderment. And awe at the privilege of living in a time and place were events such as this no longer end in nothing but grief.

But then joy, and gratitude for blessings too vast to comprehend. A mother and child surrounded by the incomprehensible technology of our time which has made this moment possible, and yet together both completely outside of time.

Both well, and safe. Laughing even, at his size (4.4kg/9lb 8oz), and at the astonishing journey which has been our life together.

The following afternoon a big brother can't even begin to control his excitement. Big sister is more reserved: she's already developing a woman's sense of the sacred, and less than impressed with those who find this a moment for hilarity.

Although a smile bigger than the sunrise isn't far away either. And together we are richly blessed...


My deepest gratitude to everyone: you all leave me lost for words.

Special thanks to Drs. Wendy Hawke & Stephen Coogan, and all Prince of Wales Private team. And of course to the inimitable Dr. Clive Collier - at 20,200th epidurals given I don't think saying you're the finest obstetric anaethetist in the world is any exaggeration whatsoever - see for more info (then go back in a month or so to see how great we'll get the site looking after a makeover ;-).